This year for our Middle School Retreat, we are going back to Cold Springs Retreat Center in Conway, Arkansas. We will have a great weekend filled with worship sessions and a speaker, team competitions, and late night parties! It is going to be a great weekend where students will have a chance to have fun and find their identity in Christ alone. The 1LMS Retreat is February 13th-15th and will cost $50. Sign up your middle schooler today so they don’t miss out on a fantastic opportunity and weekend!

This year for our High School retreat, we are going to Cold Springs Retreat located in Conway, AR. We will have worship, speaker, and games, but most of all, your students will get to encounter Jesus. Our series “Together” talks about being unified in Christ, and no matter our differences, we can be unified Together in his great gift of grace. The retreat is $50, and it’s February 28th-March 2nd. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!